Hanneman×Lysithea Support Conversations
C Support
リシテア: ふぅ……今日の訓練はこれで終了。気が散ってしょうがないわ。
Lysithea: Phew... That about wraps it up for today's training. No thanks to a certain distraction...
ハンネマン: ………………。
Hanneman: …
リシテア: ……ハンネマン先生、そこから見られていると気が散るのですが。
Lysithea: Professor Hanneman, I know you're there. It's extremely unsettling the way you're always staring like that.
ハンネマン: おう、そうかね。邪魔してはいけないとこうして柱の陰から見ていたのだが。
Hanneman: Oh! My apologies, child. I was trying to remain inconspicuous, not wanting to interrupt.
リシテア: 堂々と見てるのと、こそこそ隠れてるのと、半々なところが気持ち悪いです。
Lysithea: Your half-hearted attempt to hide your weird staring only makes it weirder.
ハンネマン: それはすまなかった。今度からは、堂々と見学させてもらおう。
Hanneman: Well, I must apologize. In the future, I shall do my staring out in the open.
リシテア: 気持ち悪さが解消しても、居心地の悪さは増しそうですけど。
Lysithea: That might ease the weirdness, but it will continue to be extremely unsettling.
ハンネマン: それは困った。我輩としては君の邪魔をすることは本意ではない。
Hanneman: I have no desire to disturb not to disquiet you...
But you are a most exquisite subject for my Crest research.
And you understand that the foundation of all research is observation.
リシテア: ええ、最低限の協力はします。その代わり……
Lysithea: I understand it well enough, and I'll do my best to ignore it, but in return...
ハンネマン: 無論、秘密は守る。君が2つの紋章を宿していることは教団にも明かしておらん。
Hanneman: In return, I will keep your secret. I have not spoken a word of your twin Crests, not even to the church. If they knew I was withholding such valuable information, I might be branded a traitor. But such matters are trivial to the future of Crestology!
ハンネマン: 無論、秘密は守る。君が2つの紋章を宿していることは誰にも明かしておらん!
リシテア: しーっ! しいーっ! 声が大きすぎます!秘密にしてくれる気はあるんですか!
Lysithea: Shhh! Don't talk so loudly about it out here in the open!
ハンネマン: とにかく君のような人材に出会えた幸運を、逃すわけにはいかんのだよ。
Hanneman: Pardon my excitement. I simply cannot let the opportunity to study such a miraculous subject go to waste.
リシテア: こんな紋章……先生にとっては幸運でも、わたしにとっては不幸でしかありません。
Lysithea: These awful Crests may seem miraculous to you, but for me, they fall under the category of curse.
ハンネマン: その不幸な経緯とやらも、いずれ詳しく聞かせてほしい。重要な真実が……
Hanneman: I hope one day you will share more about your tragic origins, whenever you have the time to recount it. Your tale may contain valuable information...
リシテア: なんて、無神経な……。
Lysithea: You are utterly lacking in empathy, you know that?
Even if you spent your entire life "observing" me, you'd never understand my feelings and all I've been through.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
ハンネマン: これは、失敗した。紋章のことになると、つい夢中になっていまう……。
Hanneman: Ah, I fear I may have made a misstep. I have no desire to trouble her, yet my research...
B Support
リシテア: ハンネマン先生、この本はこちらに置けばいいでしょうか?
Lysithea: Professor Hanneman, is this a good spot for this book?
ハンネマン: すまないね、リシテア君。雑用を頼んでしまって。
Hanneman: That will do nicely, Lysithea. I'm sorry to trouble you with these chores.
リシテア: お気遣いなく。年長者を助けるのは若者の務めですから。
Lysithea: It's no trouble. After all, it's proper etiquette for the young to help the elderly.
ハンネマン: そうか。それで、どうだね?最近、体調に何か気になる変化はないかね。
Hanneman: The elderly? I'm only—Never mind. How have you been feeling as of late? Anything worth mentioning?
リシテア: 今のところ特に変わりはありません。
Lysithea: I've been feeling well enough, all things considered.
ハンネマン: そうか、そうか。うむ、君は人格面でも健康面でも順当以上に成熟しているようだ。
Hanneman: You seem to be maturing remarkably.
No doubt your well-being is due to the positive influence of your twin Crests working in tandem.
リシテア: 良い効果ですって?……先生の研究も、いい加減なものですね。
Lysithea: Here he goes with the "positive" again. Looks like your research is more useless than I thought.
ハンネマン: なに、聞き捨てならんな。何をもっていい加減と断ずるのかね?
Hanneman: I may ignore your assaults on my age, but I will not allow unfettered attacks upon my research. What makes you think it's lacking?
Surely you do not deny that your Crest-related abilities exceed those of your peers. You are so far ahead of the others...
Even the combined effects of the twin Crests you bear do not fully account for that discrepancy.
リシテア: その「余りある」部分が、すべて紋章の力だとお考えなら、心外です。
Lysithea: You just can't see beyond the Crests, can you? In all your research, haven't you considered that my abilities are a direct result of the effort I've put in?
ハンネマン: 無論、君の努力の程は承知しているが……
Hanneman: Of course I am aware that you are a hardworking student, but...
リシテア: わたしは自分が早く成長できるようにと、誰よりも努力を重ねてきたんです。
Lysithea: My efforts far exceed those of any other student—I've placed top priority on growing as quickly as possible.
ハンネマン: だが、人一倍努力できるというのも、また才能……
Hanneman: Is the ability to expend such incredible efforts, to be so focused, and driven... Is that not a form of talent?
リシテア: 才能じゃありません。これは覚悟の問題です。
Lysithea: It has nothing to do with talent! It's a question of sheer will. I'm determined to succeed, no matter the sacrifice.
ハンネマン: なるほど……しかし、それが事実だとして、なぜ君はそんなに生き急ぐのだ。
Hanneman: I see... But what drives you to such lengths?
リシテア: やり遂げたいことがあるのに、わたしには、時間がないんです。
Lysithea: I have goals, just like anyone. And precious little time in which to achieve them.
ハンネマン: ……時間がないとは、どういうことかね?
Hanneman: Little time?
リシテア: わたしをこんな体にした者たちから、わたしは短命を宣告されています。
Lysithea: The people who made me as I am informed me that my life would be drastically shortened as a result.
ハンネマン: ……!?
Hanneman: …
リシテア: 摂理に反して紋章を2つ宿したことが、体に何らかの負担を与えるのでしょう。
Lysithea: A person bearing two Crests, against the will of nature itself... Well, clearly it can't be sustainable. As such, I don't indulge in the luxury of fantasizing about the future. I haven't got one. Knowing all this now, will you still claim that my Crests are something "positive"?
ハンネマン: そ、それは……。
Hanneman: I... I cannot... Please understand... I had no idea.
リシテア: ……すみません。今日はこれで失礼します。
Lysithea: I'll be leaving now.
ハンネマン: リシテア君、それで君は……。だが、しかし……。
Hanneman: Lysithea. So that is why you are...
A Support
リシテア: ハンネマン先生、お呼びでしょうか。
Lysithea: Did you want something, Professor Hanneman?
ハンネマン: よく来てくれたね、リシテア君。……まずは謝罪させてくれ。
Hanneman: Ah, Lysithea. Thank you for coming. First, I ask that you allow me to apologize. I fear I hurt you with my insensitive words. I have failed you, not as a researcher, but as a human being.
リシテア: ……いえ、わたしこそ。無礼なことを言ってすみませんでした。
Lysithea: I'm the one who should apologize. I'm sorry for being rude to you. Anyway, I'll keep going along with your research. I have to be on my way now.
ハンネマン: リシテア君、待ちたまえ。本題はこれからだ。
Hanneman: Please, Lysithea, a moment more? I did not call you here simply to apologize. I told you once that you were an exquisite subject for my Crest research. Why? Because there are no records of any other person ever having borne two Crests.
リシテア: はい、理解しています。
Lysithea: Correct.
ハンネマン: 君の体は前例がない。すべてにおいて未知の領域だ。
Hanneman: We cannot say anything for certain about the makeup of your body.
Therefore, it seems hasty to conclude that overcoming your shortened lifespan is an impossible feat.
リシテア: ……? 何を仰りたいのか、よくわからないんですけど。
Lysithea: What is it you're implying?
ハンネマン: リシテア君。我輩が研究しているのは、何だ?
Hanneman: Lysithea. What is my field of study?
リシテア: 紋章学、ですよね。
Lysithea: Crestology, of course.
ハンネマン: 左様、そして紋章学とは紋章の謎を残らず明らかにしようとする学問だ。
Hanneman: Indeed. And the goal of my field is to unravel every single mystery Crests might conceal. Someday, I even hope to devise a means to bestow a Crest upon any who desires one.
リシテア: ……ハンネマン先生は、なぜそんな方法を見つけたいと?
Lysithea: Why would you want to do such a thing?
ハンネマン: 紋章の有無が人の価値を決める、そんな世界に嫌気が差しているからだよ。
Hanneman: Because I despise this world in which the presence or absence of a Crest can determine a person's worth.
リシテア: え……。
Lysithea: Huh...
ハンネマン: しかし、新たな紋章を宿すことで体に甚大な負荷がかかるならば使い物にならん。
Hanneman: However, if artificially implanting a Crest causes too great a toll on the subject, it would be useless.
As such, reducing the strain of Crest on the human body is one of my research goals.
Understanding how to implant a Crest might also lead to the knowledge of how to remove them, yes?
リシテア: 紋章を消すことができれば、体への負荷もなくなる……?
Lysithea: Do you think...removing a Crest could mean that they won't suffer from its effects any longer?
ハンネマン: つまり、我輩が言いたいのは……君が短命を克服できるか否かは、常に、我輩の研究の延長線上にあるということだ。
Hanneman: What I am trying to tell you is... The question of whether your lifespan can be restored is entirely within the scope of my research.
リシテア: ……克服、できると思いますか?
Lysithea: Do you... Could you really do that?
ハンネマン: 何とも言えんな。だが可能性がある限り、我輩は研究を続けるだろう。
Hanneman: It is difficult to say for sure. But as long as the possibility exists, I will continue to seek it. Lysithea, let me ask you once more. Will you assist me in my research?
リシテア: ……お願いするのは、わたしのほうです。ハンネマン先生、力を貸してください。
Lysithea: Professor Hanneman, I think I'm the one who should be asking for your help, really. Anyway, I'm sick of a Crest determining a person's worth too.
ハンネマン: おお、そうか! ならば我々は同志だな。何なら本格的に紋章学を修めてみないかね?
Hanneman: Ah, is that right?! Perhaps you would even like to begin studying Crestology yourself? I think you would make a fantastic apprentice. A life devoted to research is a noble life, you know!
リシテア: うーん……短命を克服させてくれたら、考えてみてもいいですけど。
Lysithea: If you do manage to restore my lifespan, I'd certainly think about it.
ハンネマン: その言葉、忘れないでいてくれたまえ。我々の未来は明るいぞ! はっははは。
Hanneman: I will hold you to those words! Ah, I see a fine future ahead of us!